Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It’s exciting to finally get to folksomonies, or tagging. This is something I’ve been hearing about off on about for years and have felt has been needed within the library. Yeah, we need to have authority and control over subject keywords; however, there’s something to be said for this layman’s tool. Let’s face it, not everyone has had a chance to curl-up with the big red LCSH books, nor do they intend to. This is a way of putting some power back in the people’s hands.

And how cool is del.icio.us
? I would love to see us create some sort of reading lists up there. At least the Center is up there. Did you notice? So many new and exciting tools!! Just wish we had more hands and time!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Cut and Paste

Gots to love image generators, eh? Do you suppose they were created to full-fill the urge to paste unsuspecting heads to unsuspecting bodies? I liked RedKid.Net, which offered a myriad of pasting and generating choices.

I also played a bit with LibraryThing. LT – where were you when I was a child, alphabetizing and categorizing by subject? Where were you when I needed someone to turn to for book recommendations and the stupid school librarian kept pointing me to the baby books when really I wanted Lord of the Rings? Oh, how I love thee. How I want to just catalog all weekend long and be a Peeping Tom into everyone’s reading bookstands. How I dance around and relish in your promiscuity.

Then of course there is Rollyo. I was recently at SLA and the Google rep discussed their version. I thought I got the concept there, and I kind of get it now - or at least the first half of it anyway. So I had Rollyo search some of my favorite blogs...you know, the ones that make me wish I was as handy with a needle and thread as these ladies. Anyway, it's the second half of the concept that gets mushy for me. I assigned the keywords that I thought might apply (i.e. sewing, quilting, crafts, etc.), but what happens if you don't search with one of these tags? Does the whole Creative Inspiration Rollyo universerve begin to fold in on itself? Just something to ponder. Frankly, it's making my head swim and I think I may swoon. Best go lay down with a cool cloth...
Ok. I have created my RSS feed for Bloglines. Once I wandered around lost a bit our Kind Weaver took me by the hand and said “Look, you just cut and paste.” Where then I replied, “Oh.” I confess it is much nicer than the yucky Active Web Reader and it will actually let me edit my feeds (oh, how I love to alphabetize). AND, I can hyperlink directly from the link. No more extra step for my press summary. Oh, if only I could cuddle and caress you my sweet Bloglines.